Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October already?!

September went by so quick, and so far October is doing the same.  I feel like life is passing me by lately. I'm so busy with my day job, sourcing new music for gigs, DJing, going to school to learn French, and zipping up and down the 401 to visit family (whom I love very much), I don't really have enough time with friends or to myself. I thought after summer was over things would calm down, but they really haven't at all.

I do have both Saturday and Sunday this coming weekend off, I really should take some time with myself and Chris and just relax. Maybe grab brunch with some friends, catch a movie. Not drink my face off!

The day job has been a bit of a roller coaster for, well, the past year really. Never do I really "love" what I do anymore, I go from mildly enjoying it to absolutely loathing it depending on the day. The big underlying problem is I don't feel like this career path is right for me. I don't really have much interest in marketing anymore, and I don't click well with people in the industry. I'm not a "Type A", and I'm too much of an introvert to partake in what I consider to be "fake" socializing. I don't like to play that game... never have and never will. I also find contest winners to be less grateful and more demanding as time goes on. I really feel like a different career is out there for me, something I will excel at and enjoy... I just need to sit down and figure out what that is.

I also sometimes think that maybe this fast-paced, badly planned city is no longer where I want to be. Toronto has so many problems right now... getting anywhere is a nightmare, the nightlife scene is lack-lustre and not what I remember experiencing when I first moved here. My neighbourhood doesn't feel very safe (most don't actually). So the second thing I need to figure with Chris is, do we want to stay here, and if not then where?

Most of this is on the back burner right now as we approach our wedding date, which I'm very excited about! I think our wedding will be a lot of fun, and I can't wait to marry my wonderful partner of 8.5 years. It's about time we tie the knot! :)

Well, it seems like I'm in need of some life changes next year, for now I am just going to try and stay positive and remember that I'm lucky to have a decent job and a nice apartment with my man. Hopefully I will find more time to update this more often and have more exciting things to write about.

Ciao until next time!

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