Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Documenting life, therapy through writing & leaving a mark

I've been trying to start blogging again for a while now.  For so long I was stuck on a theme - is the blog somewhere I am going to post about life events or memories I want to document; is it for me to get my feelings out as a form of therapy; am I going to post daily lessons of what I learned each day.

I've come to a conclusion, the theme is going to be ME, and can include any of the above, and more. My goals in writing will be all of the above - to document my life, to grow as a person, to have an outlet where I can sort out my thoughts and feelings, and to have this little piece of the internet where my life will be posted forever. It's neat to think that one day when I'm gone someone might take interest in my life and read about it.

Currently I'm 27. Engaged to be married to my loving partner of nearly 8 years, Chris. Recently an uncle and trying to be a good one to my nephew Brady.  I have a great family and great friends. I have been a DJ for 4 years and enjoy it very much. I work in marketing, which I don't currently believe was the right path for me but I'm making decent money at a small shop that appreciates having me.  I find the job challenging at times and mundane at other times. I find it's either too busy or not busy enough and there's rarely a happy medium.

Lately I've been on terrible sleeping patterns. I get home from work, eat, then nap for hours on end, usually wake up between 10 and 12 and stay up til 3:30, then go back to sleep for a few hours. I know it's temporary because soon I'll be in a different routine. I'll be skating 2 nights a week, which is something I'm finally getting back into after spending a great deal of my life loving the sport. Also, nice weather is just around the corner. We've had an exceptionally bad winter here in Toronto this year and the seasonal depression really got to me; possibly more this year than ever in my life. There's really nothing I enjoy more than a pint on a patio with friends, so I'm really looking forward to the warm weather.

I have signed up for a charity bike ride that is 600 km in 6 days. It's terrifying me a bit, but I really want to prove to myself I can do it. The first training ride left me with a very sore butt. I'll be doing another one this coming Sunday, hoping for less pain afterwards as I get used to the feeling of cycling.

I have reached the position now at my current advertising agency that feels very similar to where I was when I wanted to leave my last job. I have very little interest in the work, and at times that interest makes me not perform all that great. I've been job hunting, which has proven difficult and is actually making me start appreciating the job I have. I think I need to try and turn things around and make more of this job for me. The company I'm at is different than the last one, it has less of a revolving door on it and people seem to be happy in their roles there. I know I can get there too if I just put a little more into it.  I think a lot of the reason I am up at night is because I think about work so much. When I'm there I can't be bothered, but when I'm at home I think of ways I can improve, which become forgotten by the time I drag my tired ass to work the next day. Hopefully this blog will serve as a reminder to me and help me figure things out.

I already feel a bit better about work - glad I decided to get some of my thoughts out.

This summer will be a balance of fun and huge responsibilities, but most of all I think it will be really memorable. I'm excited to get on the ice again and see how my skating legs are. I know that no matter what, the bike rally will be one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Going to Wonderland in a couple weeks with friends, which is great because I love rollercoasters. Going to 2 concerts this summer so far, Passenger and Phish. Going to Sensation, a rave-type event that is world renowned. Lots of great DJ gigs, even a possible gig in Brazil which I'm working on but don't have my hopes up for. I'm excited to live it and to document it.

Not bad for a first post, pretty scattered but I think future posts will have more structure. Or they might not, who knows. :)


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