Monday, May 13, 2013

A busy spring

There's been a lot happening since my last update. I took another training ride, this one was 57 km, starting from Warden subway station to Rouge Valley and back.  This ride was much more scenic than the first one I took. During the first half, much of it was a long a trail that took us down to the beach along Lake Ontario. It was a gorgeous day too. I separated from the pack a bit on the way back, it was nice to have part of the ride on my own.  Towards the end I got pretty tired.  Had to hop off my bike for a few minutes and let my legs recharge. I was really happy when I finished though, very proud of myself.  My next ride will be this coming Saturday, a 71 km ride from Finch station to Aurora.  Very uphill for the first half, but very downhill for the 2nd half which I'm sure will be nice.

This past weekend I DJ'd my first night at Mojo Lounge, a new bar started by 2 promoters I have worked with in the past at a couple different venues. The bar is really nice, good crowd too. This coming weekend I'll be opening for Kidd Madonny at Fly - someone I've always admired so it will be good to work with him.

Skating has been going well, I've had 3 sessions so far. Starting to get the feeling back.  My form and jump take-offs are really spot on, but I still haven't gotten the feeling of rotating and landing back. I've tried a few double salchows but only landed 2 of the dozen or so that I've attempted. I think it's because my body is a different size/shape than when I used to do these jumps, and because so much time has passed.

The weather has cooled off the past few days, but I have had a couple nice patio afternoons with friends. Warm weather seems to be scheduled to return by the end of this week.  Should be similar weather for this training ride as we had during the last one.

Had a bit of a "party weekend" this past weekend. Going to try and take it easy for the next few weeks until my birthday weekend.  It takes a lot out of my these days and I have a lot of training to do for the ride.

All in all, things are going well. The bike rally is a huge thing on my mind all of the time. I have to make sure I take the proper steps to prepare myself for it so I feel good about it when it comes.  I know I can do it, just don't want to make it too difficult on  myself by not preparing enough in advance.

Until next update :)